Monday, April 29, 2013

A Week of Hospitality and Willing to Walk on Water by Caroline Barnett

Before we talk about the book of the week, I want to tell you that I am devoting this week’s blog to the topic of hospitality. Over the weekend I attended a ladies’ retreat that our church sponsored and the topic of the discussion was hospitality. The book I am reviewing today also touches on hospitality from a Biblical perspective and that is where we are headed this week. I’m not Martha Stewart, but I am learning that hospitality doesn’t mean setting the perfect table and serving gourmet dishes. Hospitality is about sharing God’s love with others by welcoming them into our hearts, our home, and our lives. So let’s get started on this journey…WELCOME TO OUR WEEK OF HOSPITALITY!

Now on to our book….

Willing to Walk on Water: Step Out in Faith and Let God Work Miracles Through Your Life

Usually when I write a review I  write about the book and then I write about my view of the book (what I like or don’t like about it). Today I’m going to do this a little differently. Today I want to introduce you to the author of the book before discussing the book. The reason for this is because Caroline shares a lot about her life in the book and the church that she and her husband minister to.

Caroline Barnett is married to the founder of the Dream Center in LA Matthew Barnett. She has a passion for inspiring women to find their God-given cause. She and her husband minister to thousands of people at the Dream Center through a wide range of outreach ministries—from a food truck ministry (which she started) to Project Prevention, which is a program designed to help impoverished families stay together. 

In Willing to Walk on Water, Caroline talks about how each of us has a God-given purpose and how our purpose can best be found we are using our talents and our passions to serve the people around us and work to make our world a better place. She shares how through her experiences at the Dream Center God has not only changed her and her life, but how He has worked through her and others at the Dream Center to change the lives of thousands. She shares how even when we feel unworthy or when things seem impossible if we simply step out and trust God He can work miracles in our lives.

I loved this book! Caroline’s stories of people at the Dream Center and their lives had me laughing and crying, but even more they moved me, they stirred in me a desire to go and serve. I can quote Bible verses about how we are supposed to go out and share the Gospel and serve those in need, but so many times I hold back from fear.  This book has reminded me that I have a calling and that calling is to serve others, and I have to give that fear to God and step out of the boat. I have to be willing to “Walk on Water” and do what the Lord is calling me to do.

Thank you, Tyndale, for allowing me to read and review the book. I received my copy from them, but if you would like to purchase a copy like on the link to the my Amazon affiliate store below.

If you would like to read a chapter before purchasing,  a link to chapter one is attached.

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