Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!


I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas and holiday season. I have been so blessed this past year despite the many losses that I and my family have endured. I am looking forward to the new year, and this year I am planning on it being a life changing one.

Most of the people I know set resolutions this time of year and I would also, but about 5 or 6 years ago I decided that I wasn’t going to make a new year’s resolution anymore because I was terrible about keeping them.

 One of the reasons that most people (including me) don’t keep our new year’s resolutions is because we don’t break them down into small manageable steps. I always make vague goals like “This year I’m going to lose weight” or “This year I am going to get organized.” But I have learned that in order to meet my goals I need to take these vague goals and make them more specifc. I need to break them down into specific, measurable goals and give myself a deadline.

Then I need to find an accountability partner. An accountability partner is someone who mentors you and helps to keep you on track with your goals. It can be a friend, family member, a life coach, or other professional such as a nutritionist or personal trainer. 

My prayer for you in the coming year is that you are able to meet all of your goals and live a life that is glorifying to God.

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