Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A Reading List for Young Christian Singles

Reading List for Young Singles

As anybody who visits my blog knows, I love to read. I have written several reviews and a couple of book lists. This book list is special. This book list is a list of books that I have read throughout my 20’s and early 30’s that I recommend for young Christian single women to read.

Lady in Waiting by Jackie Kendall & Debbie Jones
I have been through this book several times. It helps you to focus on your relationship with Christ and growing to be the person that God has for you to be.
 Single and Content by Dana Anders, Nathan Clement, Chris Conti, and Lana Trent
This book is a compilation of stories from singles across America. They share what they enjoy about being single and why.
When God Writes Your Love Story by Eric and Leslie Ludy
This book is basically an autobiography about Eric and Leslie Ludy, how God worked in their lives to prepare them for each other and to bring them together.
  Authentic Beauty by Leslie Ludy
This is a book about what it means to be set apart for God and authentic feminity.

When Dreams Come True by Eric and Leslie Ludy
This book is basically a continuation of Eric and Leslie’s love story.

  Marriable by Hayley and Michael DiMarco
Are you marriable? This book helps you answer the question are you really ready for marriage or not.

  Dateable by Justin Lookadoo and Hayley DiMarco
Like Marriable, this book helps you answer the question are you ready to date.

 Sexy Girls: How Hot is Too Hot by Hayley DiMarco
Sexy Girls takes a look at modesty and fashion and what kind of picture we want to present.

 Technical Virgin: How Far is Too Far  by Hayley DiMarco
Technical Virgin helps you to answer the question “how far is too far?”

 Mean Girls  by Hayley DiMarco
Mean Girls takes a look at how we treat other women and how we allow ourselves to be treated.

 What to Do Until Love Finds You by Michelle McKinney Hammond
In this book, Michele McKinney Hammond helps you focus on your relationship with God while waiting for Mr. Right.

  Sassy, Single and Satisfied by Michelle McKinney Hammond
This book is about being satisfied where you are.

 Get a Love Life by Michelle McKinney Hammond
Get a Love Life helps you focus on your relationship with God as a single woman.

  Romantic Love by Dr. James Dobson
Dr. Dobson takes a look at romance and love. He defines what love should look like and how to balance our head and our heart.

What I love about these books is that unlike most books for singles these books don’t concentrate only on dating or courtship. These books talk about becoming the best YOU that you can be so that when God brings that special someone into your life you are ready. They are books that help prepare you for a life with someone else or a life on your own.

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